We went to camp Ondessonk, checked in at the office, got our red wristband and a map & directions (you drive outside of camp to the upper Cedar Falls trailhead) and off we went.
You start on top of the falls and head East around the red trail loop. There are lots of bluffs and caves to explore. It will last a full day if you are like me and want to see behind every rock.
The Trail leaves Ondessonk grounds for a short way into the Shawnee but the markers resume just keep following the bluffs and trail. There is one place you have to slide down a 45 degree rock on your keyster. About the same angle as a kids slide without the slick. About that long too. Not a big deal unless you are old or young. Then it’s pretty fun (or scary and fun).
The falls them self go over a VERY large shelter cave. Maybe the largest in the Shawnee counting depth. The minerals have made the back wall very colorful. I’ll post a video and give you the idea.

There is a split in the red trail not far past the falls. The one saying upper falls is what you want to take. The other takes you back to the camp. We will return, there are other trails we never took, and they are well maintained. Don’t forget to see my other page with Phantom Canyon and Crescent Falls on the blue trail at Camp Ondessonk!