River to River Trail and Shawnee Forest Exploration
River to River Trail Hike
Cove Hollow at Peak Color 3 years ago.

Cove Hollow at Peak Color 3 years ago.

Don Wall and I decided to get to the Shawnee and take some photos during peak week. His photos were the most colorful, so I never posted mine, No place looks better at peak color, but Salt Peter Cave and Panther Hollow at peak are in a close second. Posting them soon.

Enjoy! Access Cove Hollow either from Trigg Road Trailhead on the R2R, or Millstone Lake. Both are about the same distance. Trigg road is a lot better, but it doesn’t have a Lake with a really cool emergency spill way area, Or a whistle under the tracks. (But also a Creek crossing.)

It was a dead end with a huge drop, so I took this again on the way back out. That rock on the right is loose and no way it is balanced. That’s the craziest ting in the Forest.
This is why Don Turned back. But if it had been a good way down it would have been a great way to go!
We looked in every nook and cranny so you wouldn’t have to.
Gap or no gap.
A natural bridge. After you!
Secret way up back of the rocks up a steep ramp, no climbing. Maybe walking on 4 legs though.
There is the ramp, go through that diamond shaped gap and turn right.
There is a lot more at Cove Hollow, but we went to Saltpeter cave to try and get some more pictures, we did. Keep an eye out for Saltpeter cave. I have 2 trips there I will combine, and a tip on how to get there without crossing the creek if the flow is high.